All the Information You Need to Bid and Buy Your Favorite Property
Each auction-style property listing has its own listing page on this website. You get to this page by browsing the listings in your target State, Property Type, or other keywords or criteria. Once you are on the listing’s detail page, you can bid on the property and here is how to do it. The listing detail page is organized like this:
- Property Type – At the top of the page is the Property Type in small print and linked to other listings with that Property Type. Unless you want to leave the page, do not click on it.
- Listing Title – Next below that is the listing’s title in prominent bold type font.
- Address – The property’s full street address, city, state and zip code follow immediately below the title.
- Status – Below is the status which should be “open” meaning the listing is open to bidding.
- Photo(s) – Below the status is the photo gallery for the property with the first image showing. Clicking on the little arrows will advance the gallery to the next or previous image. Clicking on the image itself will open a pop up window with that image in full scale.
- Show Me The Map - Immediately below the photos is the address and below it is a link to the Google map of the property. If you click on the "Show Me The Map" link, a large satellite map of the area and the property address will be overlaid on the page. This map is full-featured and even allows you to see street views.
- Open House / other Viewing - If there is an open house and other viewing information supplied by the Listing Party they are shown here just below the "Show me the map".
Bidding: Immediately below the property image is the bidding information block with the following information:
- Current Bid – This indicates the amount of the current (last) bid taken by the system possibly with the bidder’s user name as well as the date and time.
- My Bid– If you have already bid on this listing, you will see “My Bid” along with the amount of your last bid on the listing. If you have not bid on the property, you will not see this.
- Bid Exactly – Next you see “bid Exactly:”, followed by a box to enter your bid amount and the currency of the listing and bidding, followed by the “place Bid” icon. If you type your new bid in the box and click on place bid, that bid will be entered into the system as your bid for the listing.
- Bid as Proxy – If you check the “bid as proxy” before you click on the “place Bid” icon, your bid will be entered as a proxy (automatic) bid with that amount as the maximum you authorize. The system will bid above the current bid by the minimum bid increase each time another bidder bids against you up to the proxy bid you entered. You limit your maximum exposure. Of course, if bidding gets past your (maximum) proxy bid amount, you can continue to bid higher as you normally would.
- Bid at Least – This is information printed in light color and is to let you know the minimum new bid the system would accept. This amount is equal to the current bid plus the minimum bid increase for the listing, calculated by the system automatically every time a bid is entered.
- Reserve price (not) met – If the listing has a reserve price (as most do), the system may let you know whether the reserve price is or is not met.
- Buy-It-Now for xxxx USD – If the listing has a Buy-It-Now (BIN) price, you will see a box that reads as Buy-It-Now for xxx,xxx USD. If you accept this price and desire to bid that amount and buy the property, simply click on that box. You are now the Winning Bidder (on “manual” listing, subject to Listing Party’s acceptance).
Below the listing’s photo gallery and bidding information areas are the Listing Party Information Box and Bidding Details. (continued)
Listing Party Details – This information box gives pertinent information about the Listing Party. This may include the broker/agents's name, company name, telephone, license number(s), etc.
- Bidding Details – This information box indicate the details of this listing such as the following:
- Ending in – This is the countdown days, hours, minutes and seconds to the end of bidding.
- Public – Public Listing means bids and messages can be seen by all.
- Private – Private listing means only the Listing Party can see bids and messages.
- Automatic – Automatic Listing means the website will designate the Winning Bid.
- Manual – Manual Listing means that Winning bid is subject to Listing Party acceptance.
- Start Date – This is the starting date and time of bidding.
- End Date – This is the ending date and time of bidding.
Below the Listing Party Details box and Listing Details box is property details as follows:
- Property Highlights – Property specific highlights such as number of bedrooms, baths, garage, etc. are arranged here for the listing.
- Property Details– This section displays the details of the property as provided by Listing Party for the property.
- Important Transaction Details – Pay close attention to this section as it details how the transaction you are bidding on is structured. It include such items as Buyer’s agent’s commission if any, condition of the property, financing, earnest money, etc. as well as additional terms indicated by the Listing Party.
All the Information You Need to Bid and Buy Your Favorite Property
Each auction-style property listing has its own listing page on this website. You get to this page by browsing the listings in your target State, Property Type, or other keywords or criteria. Once you are on the listing’s detail page, you can bid on the property and here is how to do it. The listing detail page is organized like this:
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